Mjahid M. Zebari

DAAD-Stipendiand und Doktorand 2017-2021


Ich interessiere mich für die Entstehung von Faltengürteln und wie diese die Landschaftsformen beeinflussen. Meine Forschung stützt sich hauptsächlich auf Geländebeobachtungen, Fernerkundungsverfahren, Modellierungen und Geochronologie.

Derzeit arbeite ich im irakisch-kurdischen Teil des Zagros-Gebirges. Hier interessieren mich die Bewegungsraten von Störungen. Ich benutze Ansätze aus der tektonischen Geomorphologie, OSL-Datierungen und bilanzierter Querschnitte, um die Langzeitverformung des Zagros besser zu verstehen.

Ausgeübte Stellen





  • Amine, A.,  Zebari, M., El ouardi, H., 2019, Evaluating the impact of active tectonism in the Moulay Idriss massif, South Rifain Ridges, Northern Morocco, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-1608Externer Link.
  • Amine, A.,  Zebari, M., El ouardi, H., 2018, Evaluation of relative landscape maturity of south eastern anticlines of South Rifian Ridges, Moroccan Rif Cordillera, British Society for Geomorphology Annual Meeting.
  • Zebari, M., Navabpour, P., Grützner, C., and Ustaszewski, K., 2018, Estimating the Relative Uplift Time of Anticlines based on Landscape Maturity and Evolution Modeling: NW Segment of the Zagros Mountain Front Flexure, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, 17th Symposium on Tectonics, Structural Geology and Cristalline Geology (TSK), Jena.
  • Zebari, M., Navabpour, P., Grützner, C., and Ustaszewski, K., 2018, Surface Deformation Related to the 12 November 2017 Iran-Iraq Border Earthquake (MW 7.3) and its Aftershocks: Insights from InSAR Data, 17th Symposium on Tectonics, Structural Geology and Cristalline Geology (TSK), Jena.
  • Zebari, M., Burberry, C., 2013, Evolution of Fault-Related Folds and their Hydrocarbon Trapping Potential: Kurdistan Region of Iraq, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163.
  • Zebari, M., and Burberry, C., 2012, Characteristic and Evolution of Folds from Integrated Field Data and Land Surface Features: Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 44, No. 7.
  • Zebari, M., and Burberry, C., 2013, Geometry and Evolution of Fold Structures within the High Folded Zone: Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 45, No. 7, p. 516.
  • Zebari, M., Navabpour, P., Grützner, C., and Ustaszewski, K., 2018, Assessing Relative Landscape Maturity of Anticlines along the NW Segment of the Zagros Mountain Front Flexure, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-17446Externer Link.