Dr. Philipp Balling

Research assistant (Dr. rer. nat. University Jena, 2023).
Philipp vor Velebit
Philipp vor Velebit
Image: Philipp Balling

Research interests

I am currently working on the tectonic evolution of the Dinarides. 

I use balanced cross-sections, field work, structural analyses, 3D modelling among other techniques, and I know (almost) everything about MOVE.

Apart from the Dinarides, I am interested in mountain building processes in general with a special focus on the Iranian Plateau and the Appenines. I also look into how active tectonics shape the landscape. 

I teach field courses, excursions, balanced cross-sections, and the fundamentals of geological mapping. 

University Education

  • 2015–2023 PhD at the Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, thesis: "Structural evolution of the central part of the External Dinarides fold-and-thrust belt"
  • 2011–2014 Master of Sciences (MSc) in Geosciences, Universität Potsdam
  • 2007–2011 Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) in ”International Field Geosciences”,
    Universität Potsdam & University of Montana, USA

Awards & Scholarships

  • 2020 Best Students ”Paper Award”, GeoUtrecht 2020, DGGV Meeting
  • 2008 Student exchange to the University of Montana, USA (12.000 €)
