3D printing at FSU Jena
3D models of the Dohlenstein landslide
Image: Christoph GrütznerWe are already using digital models of hand specimens and outcrops in research and teaching. We have also had very good experience with 3D printing. There is an excellent 3D printing service at FSU that advises on the creation of 3D models and delivers customized prints - from simple, single-color models to high-quality full-color versions: Link to the 3D printing Centre de
Digital 3D models of our workgroup can be explored on Sketchfab: Link to our Sketchfab accountExternal link.
Also check out the digital tectonic collection: link to tectonic rock collection
Our 3D model of the Dohlenstein landslide in Kahla was presented as part of the 30Geotopes³ initiative: Link to DigitalGeology.deExternal link