Study area of the new DFG-funded project by Christoph Grützner, Kamil Ustaszewski, Klaus Reicherter (RWTH Aachen)

Online talk by Christoph Grützner on the tectonics of the Alps, 2023-12-13

On 2023-12-13 Christoph Grützner will give an online talk on the Active tectonics of the Alps-Dinarides junction in the TSK seminar series.
Study area of the new DFG-funded project by Christoph Grützner, Kamil Ustaszewski, Klaus Reicherter (RWTH Aachen)
Graphic: Christoph Grützner


Excavating a paleoseismological trench in the Alps

Image: Christoph Grützner

The TSK seminar series hosts online talks in preparation of the TSK meeting External linkin Freiburg in March 2024. TSK stands for Tectonics, Structural Geology, and Crystalline Geology and is a section of the German Geological society DGGVExternal link

On 2023-12-13 at 16:15 Christoph Grützner will give an online talk on the "Active tectonics of the Alps-Dinarides junction".

Link to the online room: link